Lily had her kindergarten Christmas party this week so I was able to take a little time off from work to attend her party with her. We had lunch and she introduced me to all her friends, but the best part is how excited she was that I was able to come to her school and spend some time with her. It will be interesting to see how long it takes before she is embarrassed. I even wore my ugly Christmas sweater to the party, and she thought it was great. Now I plan to wear the ugly Christmas sweater every year and I know it won't take long before she thinks I am a complete dork.
It's been a big week for Lily as she is about to lose her first tooth. She has been waiting for this day ever since her friends starting losing theirs and she could not be more excited. She won't let pull it though, which is somewhat disappointing for me.
The twins are getting crazier and crazier by the day. We are really starting to experience the double trouble phenomenom. If you get one of them alone they are perfect angels, but let the, loose together and they just feed off each other. Where they come up with some of their ideas is beyond me, and they know the things they are doing are wrong but I guess they figure it is harder to discipline the two of them and at least they will go through the punishment together. Tey have torn their closet apart completely ripping all their clothes down. I wine tin during nap time the other day and Abby was standing on thE window while Chloe was jumping up and down on the bed not 5 minutes after I just been in there and told them not to get put of bed. I walked into the media room so they could Skype with mama and papa last night anD they were running around the room with Lawson chasing them except Abby literally did not ha
Lawson is testing his language skills and is trying to talk more and more. He keeps saying something that sounds like car, but we are not quite sure what the child us trying to say yet. The only thing we know for sure is that when he grunts he is hungry.......or pooping.
Maybe my new toy will allow for some time to blog a little more often. We are trying to post more because I know we are forgetting some very funny stories. They may not be funny to us at the time but when we look back they will be.
Jeff, Lasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe, and Lawson Boy