In an effort to better myself in business and my personal life, I made note of some advice that our preacher spoke about one Sunday. Be interruptable. The gist being when somebody needs you or wants your attention, you should give them your full attention. My struggle is that I have 80 employees, countless, vendors, my boss, my boss's boss, a lovely wife and 4 kids all of which need my attention on just about any given day. Add on top of that the fact that I have self-diagnosed myself with a slight case of adult attention deficit disorder , and it makes for a real struggle with little time to complete my tasks or have much down time. The good news is that my commute home gives me some time to prepare for the kids daily information dump that begins immediately upon breaching the front door. This is actually the part of my day that I look forward to most. Nothing makes you feel than 4 kids running and greeting you enthusiastically after a long day of work. After a few minutes, I have to stop them because they are all 4 trying to tell me what happened that day, and no matter how much I pay attention it is impossible to keep up with 3 girls jabbering and the boy trying to throw each of them off of me so I can give him my full attention. My conscious efforts to be more interuptible are certainly not perfected, but when I make the effort I hear more of what is being said and find myself more patient with the kids as well.
Abby and Chloe are making strides in the right direction with their ability to not destroy a room in a matter of minutes. They have still yet to potty train, but they are increasingly becoming more interested. Both continue to make us laugh on a daily basis, and we are amazed how smart 3 years old can be and what they pick up on. Chloe is our rule Nazi and loves to make sure that Abby is doing the right thing. Abby is and will continue to be the emotional one and always lets you know exactly how she is feeling whether good bad or indifferent.
Lawson is mastering the art of the English language and does well to communicate in one sentence bursts. Along with that comes the frustration when he is not able to communicate his point. The boy has quite the temper, but then they all did at this age. The main difference is that he enjoys using his fists more to communicate his frustration. His appetite remains grossly disturing, and I am truly fearful of the future grocery bills.
Last night we all met up at that mall for dinner as Ms. Lauren has taken the kids over there to get out of the house. We have figured out how to get the kids to behave at dinner and eat all their food. Hold off on dinner until they are really hungry, and they won't say a word and will devour their food and ask for more. Lily wanted to ride with me on the way home as she likes to listen to the Ipod in the car and sing. She gets to pick a song from my Ipod and then I get to pick one. Lily chose Justin Bieber and she made fun of me for singing along with her. I went old school and busted out Phil Collins In the Air Tonight. If you have seen the movie Hangover you know what I mean when I say you cannot listen to the awesome buildup to the drums without picturing Mike Tyson playing air drums to the song. Lily thoroughly enjoyed this part as especially since I cranked the song up as load as I could. We had to listen to at least 5 times and she laughed hysterically as she played the air drum along with the song.
Kids are awake.....let the fun begin.
Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe, and Lawson Boy