Yeeesh, it has been almost 2 months since the last post.....what a slacker. Every day just seems like a blur and its hard to keep up with everything the kids say and do. If it seems my thoughts are jumbled and incoherent it's because I'm just going to start typing and see what I can remember over the past 2 months.
Since it is not really clear who all reads this and there may be some newcomers, it bears repeating every once in a while. The genesis behind the blog is simply to create a journal that Kasey, the kids and I can look back on at some point and remember the different seasons of life. Through that process, if others get a good laugh or learn something from our many blunders, all the better. Recently, my role in my company has changed, and for the better. The experiences were invaluable and will help to make me better at what my current role, but most importantly my schedule is more flexible for me to spend time with Kasey and the kids. To even have breakfast with the kids over the past year and a half was an anomaly. Forget about the occasional lunch with Lily at school. Now all those things are routine and quality of life has increased exponentially for me.
When a parent goes to school to have lunch, the child is allowed to invite one friend to join them. So Lily invited a little girl from her class that also plays on her basketball team, Reagan. As a side note, Reagan is welcome to our house anytime, which cannot be said about all her friends. Those 2 cracked me up telling me about all the other kids; who is good, who gets in trouble, who bully's, but they wouldn't admit to me who they thought was cute. They kept telling secrets to each other wondering if they should tell me about something that happened, and eventually they would be convinced to go ahead and tell me. It was just fun to watch them and find myself a little jealous about all the fun they will be having over the next several years with little worry about the responsibility that comes with being an adult.
It was my pleasure to escort Lily on our second Father / Daughter dance recently. It was unclear at first whether we would be attending as Lily has this notion that her Daddy is going to embarrass her. After she was convinced that her embarrassment would be limited, she agreed to go and we had a wonderful time. As her father, it is my duty (ha ha, I said doodie) to turn every event into a learning experience. My explanation of why we go on dates and how we will continue to go on dates so she can learn how a boy is expected to treat her once she starts dating was met with no less that 1200 eye rolls. Let's just hope some of it sinks in. Lily got to wear a corsage, and so as not to leave the other girls out, Abby and Chloe received flowers, and Lawson presented Mommy with a rose as well. It was very cute.....see for yourself.

We were all sitting around the other night when it suddenly dawned upon me, we don't have babies anymore. Lily is in first grade acting like she should be going off to college any day. Abby and Chloe have turned into young little ladies overnight, and while they still have the occasional melt down they are learning to figure things out for themselves and at least try to work out their differences. Lawson Boy has turned into an obstinate little trouble maker and it cracks me up way more than it should. It's like looking into a mirror and trying to scold yourself, you just cannot do it without laughing sometimes. The latest lesson that won't sink into his thick skull is "sometimes the answer is no". The boy doesn't take no for an answer, which is admirable to a point. So after the explanation is given that he does not always get what he wants, his usually response is, "Daddy, the answer is YES!" As if that wasn't enough, it is often followed with, "STOP TALKING, go your room or I spank you." Always fun to hear from your 2 year old son.
Friday night pizza night is here, so I better get it going before the boy withers away from lack of food. As if his usual 3 breakfast, lunch and snacks weren't enough.
Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe and the bottomless pit (Lawson Boy)