Saturday, November 3, 2012

Terrible "Deuces"

No, terrible 2 is not a reference aimed at disparaging the twins, though it it would be an understandable mistake to make that assumption.  While Abby and Chloe certainly still have their moments and will remain a handful for years to come, they have turned the page on some very irritating behaviors.  Potty mishaps are infrequent, severe tantrums have diminished considerably, and they are learning to play together as well as with others without constant intervention.  Case in point, we had dinner with all of Kasey's family last night with all the kids sitting at one end of the table together, and not once did we have to get up and deal with a behavioural problem.  The funny thing about kids is just when you think you are about to move upon a stage and life is going to get easier, the next stage presents a new challenge.  Right now, our biggest challenge is the extreme decibel level of noise that never seems to desist.  While Abby, Chloe and Lily are learning to play together nicely, they have yet to learn how to do so quietly.  Lawson  Boy only knows two levels of speaking, loud and louder.  Along with passing into new stages and noise levels comes the wonderful technique that every child has mastered, the art of talking back.  As we celebrate not listening to crying babies, no more poopie diapers, no more expensive formula and packing everything including the kitchen sink just to leave the house; nothing will make you want to drop kick your child more than a 3 year old talking back to you in a tone that implies they think they are not only smarter than you, but you may be the dumbest daddy or mommy alive.  It has been verified that this is the root cause of gray hair.

So if terrible 2 does not refer to the twins, that just leaves our son who is currently 2 years old and when asked how hold he is, will now respond with 2 fingers in the air, "deuces".  Admittedly, there was some coaching involved, and it provides me great pride and humor when he does it.  The Boy makes us laugh constantly, but when he goes into Terrible Lawson mode, it is terrible.  He has always been so easy to put down at night and when tired will even ask to go to bed.  That all changed less than a week ago, when he just decided he no longer wants to go to bed at night.  Similar to Pavlov's dog, when we announce "bedtime" in the evening, Lawson immediately jumps up, point his finger, and in half mad half cry voice, "no Daddy, I not tired, I no go to bed".  When he is not getting through to us, he will change tactics on you, "Daddy, I cuddle you pease".  Along with the face that accompanies his remarks, how can you not give in? 

He too has mastered the art of talking back, though we are not always certain what he is yelling at us about, and frankly it is probably best we don't know based on the evil look in his eyes.  All the children are stubborn in there own way, but when Lawson Boy decides upon something, there is no convincing otherwise.  Luckily he is a boy and his male attribute of compartmentalization and the ability to forget when something else peaks his interest can be easy to take advantage of.  The girls may be playing with something and the Boy decides they are having too much fun so he interrupts and steals a toy.  Just try to convince him to give that toy back.  In his mind, that is now his toy and you are not getting it come hell or high water.  Face is scrunched, snot is running, mouth is screaming, and you decide bribing is the only way to diffuse him.  "Lawson, you want some ice cream?"  His first response is always, "NO!", and then it computes what you just asked him.  Tears dry up instantly, frown turns into a face of surprise, and he politely responds, "oh yes pease, I wike ice cweam".

Earlier it was mentioned that potty mishaps have become infrequent, and our most recent occurrence still baffles me somewhat.  The 3 younger kids were down for nap, so Lily generally will watch some TV or play games on the computer while they rest.  Sounds like an opportune time to watch some football and doze off.  While in a semi-comatose state, a bright white streak appeared alerting me to something odd.  The realization hit me that Lily was streaking through the house, so naturally the question begged, "Lily, why are you naked"?  And she responded ever so matter of fact, "Dad, I had to go potty really bad, when I sat down the lid was closed, and I wizzed everywhere." 

It happens to the best of us. 

Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe, and Deuces

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