Monday, June 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Lily

Our baby girl turned 5 years old yesterday.  Those memories from 5 years ago are still very vivid to me.  We induced on the 5th because Kasey wanted to make sure that Lily was not a 06/06/06 baby, and she only made it by a couple hours.  I recall that evening walking out into the hall and wondering why there camera crews there, and one of the nurses explained they were waiting for the first 06/06/06 baby.  With a little help from the salad tongs Lily avoided the news crews, and something inside us was changed forever.  There really is no way to describe the love you feel for your child when you first  lay eyes on them, but I remember staying up until the early morning holding her and not wanting to let go. 

Then they told us we can go home, and both of us looked at the nurse as if to say where are your bags, and why are you not coming home with us to help out.  Somehow parenting instinct takes over and you actually survive the long nights, the spit ups, the crazy hormonal wife......I mean the recovery process, and then one day the baby smiles at you, crawls, says mama, takes a first step, and so on and so on.  No way in hell did we think 5 years ago we would be waking up with 3 more kids.  Lily was such a good baby though that we just knew way back then something crazy was in store for us.  And sure enough it was.

Fast forward five years and we could not be more proud of the little girl she is turning into.  What a wonderful big sister she is to her sisters and brother.  I used to worry that she would not adjust well to going from the only child to having to share the spotlight with 3 others, and though she has her moments like any kid, she is very good about helping with them or going off by herself when she just wants some time to play with her toys.  

I guess 5 is a big birthday, because we celebrated it about 4 times.  She had her party early before school was out so more kids could attend.  We celebrated when Mo and Big Daddy were in town at the restaurant, then at mama and papa's house, and finally yesterday on her actual birthday.  Let's hope this does not become the trend. 

We are full force in dealing with the trials that come with a mobile baby.  The routine question at our house now is, "where is Lawson?"  A good majority of the time he will be found climbing the stairs, and even all the way upstairs playing.  If he is upstairs, the rule is make sure the gate is closed.  Lily had a phone call yesterday to wish her happy birthday and in her haste to come down stairs she forgot to close the gate.  Kasey saw him making his way down at the top step just in time to rush over and for lack of a better term, "field" him as he tumbled down a couple stairs.  The woman is not that athletic but I've never a better Ozzie Smith impersonation.

As far as Abby and Chloe go, well they are still alive despite their recent attempts to commit suicide by parent.  I will give them the benefit of the doubt and say their schedules have been off and due to the birthday they have had too much sugar and leave it at that.  Kasey took them with her to the pharmacy and they both turned into "that kid", you know the one you see at the store and say my kid would never act like that.  She had to just walk out and abandon the task at hand.  Chloe also decided morning should come about 4:00 AM last night, that was fun.  I still maintain there is a light in that tunnel somewhere. 

Happy Birthday Lily!  You are a wonderful young lady, and words cannot describe our love for you.

Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe, and Lawson Boy

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