After a week long stay with her Mo and Aunt Lala, Lily is back home. During her stay she spent a lot of time with her cousin Karly is who is 9 years old and is so good taking care of and helping with Lily. Lily thought she was pretty hot stuff spending all that time with her older cousin. Sounds like they had a lot of fun while she was there, and Lily just could not make up her mind whether she wanted to come home or not. In her words, "Daddy I love you and I want to see you, but I love Mo too and she will be sad to see me leave." It's good to see she is learning some empathy I suppose.
Abby, Chloe and Lawson were very excited to see that Lily was home as well. The girls all gave big hugs and it was nice to see sisters being so sweet to each other. That lasted all of about 5 minutes and we were right back to our usual sibling arguments. Lawson Boy even joined in a little the only way he now knows hitting and grunting. But it's good to have things back to normal.
Sunday was a really good day. We got up and made it to church on time. In fact we were early enough to church to sit hang out a few minutes before services started to have a cup of coffee. After church we had Kasey's brother and his family over for brunch. Aunt Lala and Karly are still in town so they came over as well. We did the brunch thing and everybody except uncle Bubba went to the pool (still not sure how he swung that free time with a nice nap), and we had a great time. Lily saw her new friend that she had met at the pool last week, and she played with her the entire time. The little girl's mom introduced herself to us and she hung out with Kasey, Aunt Lala, and Aunt Mary by the pool. They just moved to Celina so I told Kasey to make sure and get their number so we can set up play dates for Lily. Apparently that is not kosher to ask for a phone number on a first encounter. I would have asked, but that is kind of awkward for me to ask for the digits from another lady.
Later that evening, Lily decided she was going to enlighten us with her knowledge from Sunday School. This is actually a big deal to me because I always ask her what she learned, and she typically responds with, "I dunno". I'm not sure what spawned the thought in her, but I think it had to do with the movie we were watching and making good choices. Lily told me, "Daddy, I know a word that means to stop what you are doing, turn around and do the opposite." Really I thought, you have my attention.
"What word is that", I said.
"Repent", she told me.
I was impressed and asked, "That is very good, did you learn that at Sunday school today?"
Indeed she had learned that at Sunday School, and I told her how impressed I was she had retained the new word and remembered the definition. Well not only did she understand the word, but she felt she could apply this to a real world situation. "Daddy", she said, "I think Abby and Chloe need to repent of the way they act."
We're going to have our hands full with this one.
It must be time for a bottle, the Boy is calling out. Have a great week all!
Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe, and Lawson "I devoured 2 full pieces of pizza last night" Boy
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