Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mommy vs. Kids Day 3

Being a parent puts you in a lot tf crazy situations.  One of them is the fact that your day is centered around poop.  For example, today I went in to get Lawson and he was standing in his crib with have his diaper off.  His diaper was full of poop.  Thankfully, I got there in time for a crisis to be averted.  Once a crib has been painted in poop it is never the same.
He of course saw nothing wrong with the situation.  He got a little breathing room, clean sheets and blankies.  All around win for him.  As you can see he started out the day pretty happy. 

When you have 3 kids in diapers the goal is start reducing that number as soon as possible.  We talk about the potty with the twins.  They sit on the potty.  They put their dolls and stuffed animals on the potty.  The fundamentals are there we just need patience.  Everyone who went poo poo in the potty today raise your hand.

That's right.  Abby went poo poo in the potty!  This might be the most excited I have ever been about poop.  We all celebrated and danced around.  Abby got a piece of candy for her efforts.  Really , it was good timing.  She looked at me and said, "My diaper." with a frowny look on her face.  I ripped that diaper off faster than a Le Bare dancer with a pair of velcro pants and got her on the potty.  Chloe was really excited by Abby's success so she had to try her hand at this potty thing.  Unfortunately, success was not so easy for her.  She was very upset that she didn't get candy too.  Hopefully, she will learn the lesson that rewards are earned not given.
The kids have been getting a little stir crazy lately, but the extreme heat has kept us indoors.  So today I came up with the idea of finding a bounce place that has open jump.  It was just what the doctor ordered.

The girls were very excited about their bouncie adventure today, but the one thing that made the biggest impact was the car wash.  They just told me they had fun at the bouncie place, but I got details about the car wash.  They told me all the colors of the soap and all sorts of details.  Who knew a $4 car wash could be so entertaining? 

Only 1 more night night until Daddy comes home! I know he is enjoying the cool weather in San Diego, but we are ready for him to come back to us.  Just in time for me to take off to the center of the sun... uh... Arizona.

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