Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lily 5 Year Birthday Party

The stomach bug decided to infiltrate our household this week starting with Kasey, then Abby, Lawson, and yours truly.  Luckily this bug flushed out of your system quickly so once the kids threw up, they were pretty much over it.  We have been keeping an eye on Lily and Chloe and waiting for it to hit them.  My ability to see into the future can be a curse because I said that Lily would come down with it the day of her birthday party.  Sure enough, she tossed her cookies around noon today.  That gave Lily just enough time to go take a nap and get enough energy for her Woga party.  As soon as she woke from her nap she was full of pep and ready to go. 

The party was a success, and Lily had a great time.  I'm pretty sure that Lou and I had just as good if not a better time that the kids running and jumping into the foam pits.  After an hour of play time it was apparent that Lily tried to come back from the bug a little too fast.  She didn't get sick again, but she had the look that you get when you just don't feel very good.  Keep your fingers crossed Chloe stays strong.

Lily's birthday isn't for another couple of weeks, but we wanted to have the party early before everybody took off on vacations.  It is hard to believe she is going to be 5 soon and then off to kindergarten and I suppose the time will just keep flying by faster and faster.  Abby and Chloe aren't slowing down either.  They each have decided that their new past time should be testing us and seeing just how far they can push us.

Lawson had his 9 month check up and weight 24 lbs.  He is 82% on height and 92% on weight.......Fat!  Oh and he has a ginormous 98% head size......fat head!  It's a very cute fat, and his charming smile will win anybody over.

Hopefully this week, we are all back to full strength and I will be more diligent keeping up with our stories. 


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