Thursday, May 5, 2011

Muffins With Moms

It will be so nice when Abby and Chloe learn to stop throwing fits.  Somehow they can work themselves into an uncontrollable crying tantrum.  Many times it happens when they wake up from their naps as is the case right now.  I'm not sure if they just get scared when they wake up and they can explain why they are crying because they can hardly breathe.  The positive side is the only way to calm them is to cuddle with them as I am doing right now with Abby, and she will hold tight for a long time.  It may be the only time of day either of them sit still for more than 10 minutes.

This morning the mighty duo exercised their ability to carry on a conversation, though I would probably characterize it more as an argument with a hint of tattling.  The exchange went something like this:

Chloe (yelling):  Abby, you go poo poo!
Chloe (yelling still):  Mommy, Abby go poo poo!
Abby (yelling back):  No, I clean!

As you may have gathered from the title of today's post...........oh crap.  Sorry for the interruption, but Chloe just ran through the living room with what I can only guess is Kasey's makeup all over her chest and legs.

Let's try this again.  As you may have gathered from the title of today's post, Lily's school invited the moms to join the kids at school for breakfast and they shared some projects they have been working on.  The first assignment is called My Mom is Special where the kids were given a statement and they finished it.  Here are Lily's answers:

My Mom's name is.........Kasey McCain Strait (spelled incorrectly, but good answer)
She is special because..........she is my girl power.
I like it when my Mom.........give me some treats.
My Mom can do many things! I think she's best at....... working and stuff (Kasey wasn't real excited about that answer).
My Mom has a pretty smile!  I like to make her smile by.........hugging her.
My Mom is pretty as a..........flower.
My Mom is smart!  She even to cook.
I'd like to tell my Mom............that she is the best!

The second project was a compilation of the kids favorite recipes in which they created a cook book.  From what I can gather, they went through all the responses from the kids, but were not able to use all the responses.  Luckily, Lily made the short list and was able to share her favorite recipe along with the heart and soul that goes into creating such a delicious dish.  The recipe reads like so:

Spaghettios: She picks up spoon and brushes them out of the can and puts them in microwave.  Yummy! - Lily Strait

Too bad Lily, tonight we get Daddy's favorite, meatloaf!

Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abigail, Chloe and "touch my food and you will lose that finger" Lawson

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