Yesterday was Lily's last day of pre-school and she is officially on summer break. She has been talking about wanting a haircut and I have been encouraging it because I hate brushing the tangles out of her hair. So on Wednesday of this week, she and Mommy had a girls day out and got haircuts together. She got about 7 inches cut off and it looks really cute and it only takes seconds to brush as opposed to minutes. The only downside is it made her look very grown up. That on top of the knowledge that she starts kindergarten next year make me realize my little girl is not a little girl anymore. Her vocabulary continues to amaze me as well. I cannot for the life of me remember what word she used the other day, but it was quite impressive for an almost 5 year old.

Of course we have been taking advantage of pool. Lauren and Kasey tried to take Abby, Chloe and Lawson during the day yesterday, but it was closed due to "fecal contamination". As Abby now says, "GROSS". After a super chlorination it did open at 5:00 so I made sandwiches and we went out to swim and eat dinner by the pool. At one end of the pool there is a little wading pool that gradually descends. This is where the Lawson Boy can usually be found sitting just at the edge of the wading pool splashing himself in the face over and over. Somehow he is gradually works his way down a little deeper and will come to the realization that he needs to scoot back up. As was previously mentioned, he has mastered the art of the army crawl and get from point A to point B in a surprisingly quick fashion. Problem is the army crawl in the wading pool puts his face in the water, and he now realizes he cannot breathe under the water. The Boy found himself in this very situation last night getting deeper in the pool and instead of looking for one of us to come scoot him up, he rolled over and in an effort to keep his face out of the water he surprisingly found himself in a crawling position and scooted on up. The ability to breathe can be a very motivating factor. He still has not quite learned how to get himself back in the seated position so I had to help him a little there, but upon returning home we noticed that he was practicing his new found talent of crawling on all fours.
We are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel with Abby and Chloe and the terrible twos. It just a little light, but some light nonetheless. The fits are becoming less frequent as they are mastering the English language and are able to tell us what they want. When we don't understand what they want they are becoming more persistent about repeating it over and over as opposed to getting upset because we don't understand. This little exchange can be quite humorous when they are asking for something 50 times and you still cannot figure it out. Usually we have bring in Lily relief and she will figure it out for us.
We are taking some time off next week so not only should have some more time to update, but we will spending more time with the kids and I anticipate some fun and craziness so stay tuned.
Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe and Lawson Boy
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