Saturday, December 17, 2011

Keep your clothes on child

Christmas came early for me this year, and today's blog is coming to you from my new ipad. My lovely wife was kind enough to get it for me and because I have an ability to guess my gift before it even arrived, she let me have it early.

Lily had her kindergarten Christmas party this week so I was able to take a little time off from work to attend her party with her. We had lunch and she introduced me to all her friends, but the best part is how excited she was that I was able to come to her school and spend some time with her. It will be interesting to see how long it takes before she is embarrassed. I even wore my ugly Christmas sweater to the party, and she thought it was great. Now I plan to wear the ugly Christmas sweater every year and I know it won't take long before she thinks I am a complete dork.

It's been a big week for Lily as she is about to lose her first tooth. She has been waiting for this day ever since her friends starting losing theirs and she could not be more excited. She won't let pull it though, which is somewhat disappointing for me.

The twins are getting crazier and crazier by the day. We are really starting to experience the double trouble phenomenom. If you get one of them alone they are perfect angels, but let the, loose together and they just feed off each other. Where they come up with some of their ideas is beyond me, and they know the things they are doing are wrong but I guess they figure it is harder to discipline the two of them and at least they will go through the punishment together. Tey have torn their closet apart completely ripping all their clothes down. I wine tin during nap time the other day and Abby was standing on thE window while Chloe was jumping up and down on the bed not 5 minutes after I just been in there and told them not to get put of bed. I walked into the media room so they could Skype with mama and papa last night anD they were running around the room with Lawson chasing them except Abby literally did not have a stitch of clothing on. They get that from Kasey obviously.

Lawson is testing his language skills and is trying to talk more and more. He keeps saying something that sounds like car, but we are not quite sure what the child us trying to say yet. The only thing we know for sure is that when he grunts he is hungry.......or pooping.

Maybe my new toy will allow for some time to blog a little more often. We are trying to post more because I know we are forgetting some very funny stories. They may not be funny to us at the time but when we look back they will be.

Jeff, Lasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe, and Lawson Boy

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Just another Saturday

With all the social media and venues to keep in touch with one another and know each other's every waking thought, it has created yet another pet peeve of mine.  It is just human nature but apparently everybody feels it necessary to share how busy and stressful their lives are.  We all know the person who every time they post something on Facebook, it is nothing but drama and woe is me and my life.  Makes me cringe every time I see they have posted something.  You know who you are.  Kasey would tell you I have no emotions, but I cry every time I watch the movie Rudy.

I say all that to preface my blog and state that I'm not complaining about our busy schedule.  It goes back to the original motivation for starting the blog, which is to document the kids lives over the course of time.  Some day when Kasey is changing my diaper and we can't remember all the crazy days, we'll have something to remind us.

So this is what our Saturday looks like today:

-Kasey woken up twice last night by screaming twins and not in a good mood today.  I didn't hear a thing.
-All 4 kids waking up one a time are now up and watching Mickey which give me time to run out and grab some pancakes from McDonald's so we don't dirty the kitchen.
-Crap, Abby saw me leaving and insists on going and close to a big fit if I don't take her
-Kasey picking all the kids clothes out for the day since I will be dressing them and she doesn't trust that I will dress the appropriately.  I make sarcastic comments and get the evil look
-Kids eating their pancake.  Lawson finished first and grunting for more.
-While they eat, mommy showers and dresses as she has to work this morning.
-Mommy is out the door and taking my car as we will make a car switch later, and she informs Lawson has lost her keys, so we will have a scavenger hunt for those shortly.
-All 4 currently occupied watching Go Diego Go.....Lawson standing in middle of coffee table with finger in nose
-Twin just walked by and I smell Poop
-As soon as I'm done with the blog, we will change diapers, and start getting dressed
-At 10:30 the 4 monsters and I are going next door for a one year old birthday party
-All bags need to be packed before we leave because as soon as we finish we are piling in the car to go pick up Ms. Lauryn (probably be a couple more poops in their somewhere)
-Hopefully kids nap on the way down
-Upon picking up Ms. Lauryn, we are going to mommy's school to swap cars as I have to go to work for a few hours for month end inventory
-Mr. Lauryn will watch kids until Mommy finishes around 2:00
-They will pick up mommy and go to another birthday party
-I anticipate another poop and possible spanking along the way
-(Lawson still standing in middle of table but now crying, Lily and Abby yelling at each other over a balloon, and Chloe going blind 1" from the TV
-Hopefully I will be done with work in time to make the last part of the birthday party
-After the party, Ms. Lauryn can escape away from the monsters, and wouldn't blame her if that involved copious quantities of adult beverages.
-From the party, we have friends that are nice enough to still invite all of us over for dinner.
-Once the kids have done their best to destroy another family's home, we will depart to our home and immediately put everybody to bed. 
-Everybody says their prayers, and we have a nice family moment and tell everybody how much we love them despite the fact that I almost drop kicked one or all of them at some point.
-Mommy and Daddy try to read a bit, but only get 2 page in before fading away.

I'm convinced this is the point where they all get together around Lawson's crib and conspire against us.

Have a great weekend, we are!

Jeff,  Kasey, Lily, Abba (that's what Chloe calls her), Chloe, and Bruiser