Sunday, January 27, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday Abby and Chloe

Just as the process of writing this blog is about to begin, Abby is exiting the kitchen with a very guilty look on her face and something obvious hiding in her shirt.  Keep in mind, she knows they are not allowed to take food from the kitchen. 

Me: "What are you doing Abby?"
Abby: "Nothing"
Me: "What's in your shirt Abby?"
Abby:  "Oh this?  (pause) I brought you some crackers Daddy."
Me: "You weren't trying to take them upstairs with you, where you?"
Abby: "Yes, but there for you now."

And that pretty much sums up what we deal with every day most of these past 4 years; a good mix of mischief, cuteness and witty responses or lies depending on how you choose to look at it.

Four years ago God blessed with us with these 2 wonderful tiny little babies.  While they do create a great deal of mayhem in our lives and we frequently complain about the craziness that raising twins can bring, truth is we cannot imagine life without them.  Funny thing is about 4 1/2 years ago, we were preparing for the fact that both of them may not even live to come home with us.  For those who don't know about the challenges during their pregnancy, there is a reason we call them "miracle babies" and what better day to tell their story than on their birthday.

About 15 weeks into the pregnancy, we went for a sonogram with most of Kasey's family in the room while we determined the sex of the baby.  The anticipation was great and there was concern of disappointment conveyed by yours truly as my preference for a boy had been made very clear.  The process began and the images on the screen started to come into focus.  After a few minutes,  a comment was made something along the lines of, "you know there are 2, right?"  Ha, ha, very funny.  After some fun was had at my expense, there is was, the image was clear and I saw 2 babies.  Kasey is yelling out, "I knew it, I told my doctor I was having twins."  Kasey's brother secured Lily from my arms in fear that she be dropped as the color on my face began to fade to more of a greenish hue.  While this tidbit of info was still setting in and weakening my knees, along comes the knock out punch, "they are both girls".  Holy *&?*^! is what I start thinking.  3 girls, 3 weddings, 3 college tuition's, not enough guns to wart off all those boys, and on and on my mind raced.  As if that wasn't enough, Dr. T asked to clear the room so he could explain some things to us.

Basically we were told that we need to schedule an appointment with Kasey's doctor the very next day.  During that visit, it was explained that Abby and Chloe were mono-amnionic meaning they shared the same sac.  Kasey's doctor, Chuck, (we have had enough kids that I'm on first name basis with her OBGYN), felt horrible that he missed the twins, but because there was only one sac he assumed one baby.  Chuck sent us to another specialist.  While his candor was appreciated, he did not do much to make Kasey feel at ease.  This guy basically told us there is nothing we can do but spend some time in the hospital moitoring the babies and hope for the best.  He told us right now I would say your babies have a 50/50 shot of both living.  I still remember walking out of his office that day, and Kasey just began to cry on the sidewalk. 

During her 25th week of pregnancy and the day after Thanksgiving, Kasey went into the hospital where she would spend the next 9 weeks.  Abby and Chloe would have to be monitored every couple hours to make sure they were not killing each other.  Not much has changed really since then has it?  They were monitored to make sure one baby was not getting all the blood supply, and to make sure that their umbilical cords were not knotted off.  If at any time something happened, Kasey would be rushed in for an emergency C Section. 

Those 9 weeks were some of the most memorable weeks of my life.  Lily and I spent so much time together during that time frame and she was such a trooper.  We went to the hospital almost every night and not once did she cry or make a scene when we left Kasey there.  This time frame may be where she mastered her art of stealthing into our bed, as I woke up most every morning with her curled up next to me.  Abby and Chloe did great, and aside from the occasional technical difficulties of finding their heart beats, it was pretty smooth going.  Kasey became fast friends with all the nurses and if memory serves me correct, Kasey knew all the good gossip around the prenatal unit.  We snuck Kasey out of the hospital for 2 hours on Christmas so she could at least open gifts with us.  That may have been the toughest day for Kasey through the whole thing.  We had so many sonograms those 9 weeks, that we were actually able to pick up on some of Abby and Chloe's characteristics.  Chloe could sense when the sonogram was happening and it was if she was trying to push Abby aside so she could get in the picture.  We have a sonogram picture of the two of them actually holding hands in the womb.

So the plan was to take them at 34 weeks or 6 weeks early.  Chuck said they could spend as much as 6 weeks in the NICU just depending on how well they ate.  That day 4 years ago came and Abby arrive first the smaller of the 2 white as a sheet and barely a peep.  Chloe came out screaming bloody murder and red as a beet.  We got to see them all of 2 seconds before they were rushed away into a room with 8 to 10 people waiting to care for them.  It only took a few minutes before they allowed me into the room and asked me what their names were.  "Which one came out first, and is she smaller?", I said.  They confirmed that baby A was smaller, so I confirmed that was Abby and baby B is Chloe.  They were the tiniest little babies I had ever seen both weighing about 4 lbs.  Chloe to this day is still the first one to try new things, and she came home a day before Abby after only 10 days in the hospital.

Happy Birthday to my sweet little twin baby girls, we love you so much!

Quick Lawson Story:  We attended cousin Morgan's basketball game who is now playing for Arlington Baptist.  After the game all the kids were running around and before they got out of control, they were told to settle down.  Lawson began to back talk me as he often does, and after a couple warnings he got a little love tap on his rear end.  Though it wasn't hard enough for him to barely feel it, he played the sympathy card and began crying.  He shuffles over to Mommy and proceeds to tell on me:

Kasey:  "what happened Lawson?"
Lawson: "Daddy hit me."
Kasey: "Where you talking back?"
Lawson: "No, daddy hit me".  (He then turns around pointing at his hiney)  "Daddy hit me on my hiney......will you kiss it?"

Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe, and Lawson Boy

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Fun at the Holidays

Happy New Year!  We have had so much fun over Christmas and the holidays and can't wait to see what 2013 brings for us this year.  Looking back over the past year, it seems to have gone by so fast and yet so much has happened and changed in that year.  We struggled through much of the year trying to balance our work schedules and the kids and all the activities they are now involved in, and 2012 flat wore us out.  Hard as it may have been, we had so much fun watching the kids grow and learn, and the things that will stick with us are the fun times and the hilarious stories that they fill our lives with. 

In an effort to get into the Christmas spirit, we watched several Christmas shows including classics like Charlie Brown, newer shows like Ice Age Christmas, and we sprinkled in some musical specials as well.  We chose to watch Michael Buble's Christmas special, and odd as it may seem the entire family laughed the whole way through.  Let me explain.  We use the term bubali (not sure the spelling) to describe a boys private parts, which is an actual term in Farsi that we learned.  The pronunciation of this word is very similar to Buble, so every time somebody said Michael Buble we laughed and laughed and laughed.  Not exactly a Norman Rockwell picture, but every family has to create their own memories.  The highlight was when Elmo made an appearance on the show and said Mr. Michael Buble over and over and over.  The kids laughed so hard, it's a wonder one of them didn't throw up.

This was the first Christmas that all the kids were old enough to truly enjoy the presents.  My job this year was take care of Lawson's gifts and that task was gladly accepted.  There is nothing more fun than going to the toy store and buying anything you want.....I mean buy toys for your son.  It's still up in the air whether Lawson enjoyed opening his gifts more than me.  One lesson learned is that those warnings they put on toys that ready "for ages" are based on a scale.  It has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with fun factor.  The lower the age warning the more boring the toy.  The higher the age warning, the more fun.  So Lawson at 2 years old did not receive a single toy under 4+. 

We had a white Christmas here in the DFW area this year.  The kids were so excited to go out and play in the snow until they realized how cold snow really is.  They gave up on building their snow man in less than 3 minutes.

It's been mentioned several times in the blog that Lily has a similar sense of humor to mine which can be summed up in the following observation that she made just this morning.
Lily: "Daddy, you know what's funny about buttons?"
Me: "No, what is funny about buttons."
Lily: "If you take away the O and the N, it spells butt."

Lily and some of her friends practice for several weeks to go Caroling this Christmas.  They went to the funeral home to bring cheer and joy to the elderly.  When asked if they enjoyed their singing, she responded, "yes they did, except for the ones that were sleeping".

Because the kids are still so young they cannot be trusted to stay away from the gifts under the tree, so Kasey and I have to stay up late every Christmas Eve to get all the gifts wrapped and get Christmas morning ready.  It's actually become a fun little time for us spend time together even though both of us want nothing more than to just get some sleep.  The lack of trust in the kids doesn't make for a very pretty Christmas tree.   If they can touch an ornament they will, and they will most likely break it as well.  It doesn't matter how many times you tell them not to touch, they will still break it.  So our Christmas had 70% of the ornaments at the top of the tree out of their reach and the rest were broken.

Along with the holidays comes colds, ear infections, and stomach bugs.  Best guess is that we have washed somebody's sheets the past 12 days in a row due to some sort of nastiness in the middle of the night.  In addition we made two ER visits for an ear infection and a fever that spiked to almost 105.  Sometimes you just feel like the house will never be clean until that last little rug rat goes off to college.

But the award for best Christmas story in the Strait household goes to Chloe Belle. 

Twas the day of Christmas and all through our house
Every Monster was searching for mischief about
Almost asleep on my couch when something I heard
Not sure what it was so to my slumber return

Then up the stairs, Monster Lawson did scurry
With fear in his words as "ooo, ooo, ooo" he did utter
In my daze, I paid no attention at first
Then something hit me saying this doesn't make sense

So I rose from the couch to see what could be
What a sudden surprise hung waiting for me
The dining room light hung from nothing but a wire
Come to find out my Chloe, she is not a good liar

There was a toy on the table that made for good fun
But not as much as if from a chandelier she hung
As best we can figure, she grabbed on for a ride
It pulled from the ceiling and she is lucky to have a backside

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe, and Spidey Lawson