Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

When I asked Lily if she knew what Thanksgiving was all about, her response involved something along the lines of being thankful for family.  Realizing that she was about to receive a full blown explanation involving tales of Pilgrims and Indians, she quickly informed me she was not interested in hearing the story.  Further realizing her statement had not deterred me from further explanation she asks, "I don't really have a choice, do I?"  NOPE.

We have so much to be thankful for this year, it is hard to know where to begin.  Makes sense to go with Lily's theme and start with family.  Despite all the chaos and craziness, the sleepless nights, the sprouting gray hair, the constant interruptions and messes around the house, life would be unimaginable without the monsters.  I'm thankful for Lily and the beautiful intelligent young lady she is turning into.  Her humor and wit makes me laugh daily, and her curiosity reminds us how much fun it is to learn and experience new things.

I'm thankful for Abigail and the way she reminds us to live life to the fullest, and there is nothing wrong with wearing your emotions on your sleeve.  Not a day goes by that she does not experiences utter joy and laughter, nor has a day gone by that she has not been so hurt or saddened that she cries uncontrollably.

I'm thankful for Chloe who teaches us that life does not always have to be so serious.  She has a way of taking a serious moment, a bad situation, or just a tough day and giving you this look with a smirk on her face that will make anybody smile and forgot what was so important.

I'm thankful for Lawson Boy who gives me a buddy to hang out with every day and reminds me what it is like to think like a child.  Dreaming about the future and the possibilities for him coupled with his charm and humor provide hope because all we really want is for our children to be better and have it better than we do.

I'm thankful for Kasey for cooking my Thanksgiving dinner.  In fact she does most of the cooking after she has made sure the kids are taken care of, their extracurricular activities are managed, and she has put in a full days work for her job.  Really not sure how she does it everyday while putting up with me, but I'm truly grateful for all she does.

I'm thankful for our parents who pitch in and help at just the right moment to help with the kids before we lose our sanity.  We have been blessed with loving families that provided a good foundation and support on which to build our family.

I'm thankful we have good jobs to provide for the monsters.  Even though we work way too many hours and would rather be home with the kids, they are learning the importance of hard work.......hopefully.

I'm thankful for our friends who share their lives with us.  Knowing we have others to share our stories and trials with, and listen to theirs in return is comforting.

I'm thankful for our country and the men and women who put their lives on the line.  Thank you nephew Stephen Hale for your service, it was great to speak with you today.

I'm thankful to God for providing all the gifts he has given us.

Someday when the kids are grown and we are sitting around the Thanksgiving table with their husbands, boyfriends, wife or girlfriend, I envision them breaking out whatever form of technology we will read from and reading some of these blogs and laughing about all their shenanigans.  I'm thankful for what the future holds for us and our amazing children.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abigail, Chloe, and Lawson Boy

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Flower Girlzilla

The weekend as Flower Girl for Ashley Teague's wedding was everything Lily hoped it was going to be and more.  This was her third time honored with the responsibility of scattering flowers down the aisle for the bride, and she handled it like a pro.  It has been quite some time since Kasey, Lily and I were on a road trip just the three of us, and it made me realize how easy it was to only take care of one kid compared to the chaos we typically endure with the four of them.  Mama was nice enough to take on the task of making sure Abby, Chloe and Lawson did not tear down the house in our absence.  Thank you mama.

The last time it was just the 3 of us would have been about 4 years ago, and back then we would have still been dealing with 2 year old issues like changing pull ups or tantrums.  Now we are dealing with a smart little 6 year old who thinks she knows more than us, and entertained us with her humor, singing and dancing all weekend.  We stayed at a wonderful lake resort and upon arrival, Lily was admiring the water park on site.  It was explained that due to the fact that we are in November, the water park would be closed.  The wheels started turning in Lily's head and she had an idea, "we should sneak in the water park tonight Daddy."  That got us to laughing and Kasey responded, "Lily, you think just like your Daddy."  Without hesitation Lily exclaims, "we should sneak in naked."  Hmmmmmmmmmm.  That comment was funny and disturbing all at the same time.  Funny, because that really convinced Kasey that she thinks like her Daddy.  Disturbing, because it is not quite clear why she would say something like that.  There is usually a rationale explanation to Lily's thought process, and after some digging it became clear.  She was aware of the fact that we did not bring our bathing suits, and she was also aware that we should not get our clothes wet.  The only plausible way to sneak into a water park without a suit and not get your clothes wet is to go naked. 

Lily's special day was full of pampering and drama.  Lily had  her hair done at the hotel salon, and chatted with the stylist the whole time.  Her hair was to be curled for the wedding and Lily got a kick out of watching her hair transform.  Her hair was only half way complete when she told the stylist, "it looks so ugly".  It had to be explained to her that this was a process and the curls would loosen up to the way it was supposed to look.  Clearly my explanation was not enough to convince her.  Lily can be self conscious at times and she worried people would laugh at her.  An argument ensued between her and her mother that I can only imagine will be the first of many to come throughout the years as it relates to what she is wearing and how she looks.  All turned out well and Lily looked absolutely gorgeous as you can see in her picture above.

Lily took her role as part of the wedding party quite serious.  In her mind she was not to be separated from the rest of the bridesmaids the whole wedding.  When she realized she would not be sitting at the head table, and had to sit next to us, well that just did not sit well with her.  "Daddy, I feel like a baby having to sit next to you."  After more explanation and some hot chocolate, we got passed that hurdle.  The rest of the evening consisted of speeches, cotton candy and finally some dancing.  Lily had been looking forward to dancing the whole evening.  Daddy was looking forward to dancing with the beautiful flower girl, and then she went and ripped my heart out.  She was a flower girl and she wanted to dance with the bridesmaids.  She did not want to have  anything to do with her Daddy because all of the sudden, I am now embarrassing.  And so it begins. 

It has to be mentioned that the bridesmaids were so sweet to Lily including her, letting her hang out with them, and making her feel very special.  Thank you Ms. Lauren, Brandie, Mycall, Kathryn, Kelly, and Jessica who gets special mention for raving about the blog.

In the end, all the excitement and dancing got the better of Lily and she started to fall asleep at the table.  Even though she would dance with her old man, I took the opportunity to scoop her up and cuddle her while she fell asleep in my arms.  She will always be my baby girl.

Meanwhile, back at the homestead, Abby and Chloe completed their last soccer game.  The other team didn't show giving them their one and only victory of the season.  They scrimmaged each other and because they were short a player, Lawson Boy got to play with them.  Apparently he is pretty good dribbling the ball up and down the field, he just cannot grasp the concept of direction yet.  The girls recieved their trophies for the soccer season, and Lawson recieved one for attending every game.  He was so excited to tell us when we arrived home, "I gotta twophy".

Now the weekend is over, the chaos, bickering and constant noice is back...........and we couldn't be happier.

Ashey, you looked beautiful!

Jeff, Kasey, Flower Girlzilla, Abby, Chloe, and Lawson Boy

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Terrible "Deuces"

No, terrible 2 is not a reference aimed at disparaging the twins, though it it would be an understandable mistake to make that assumption.  While Abby and Chloe certainly still have their moments and will remain a handful for years to come, they have turned the page on some very irritating behaviors.  Potty mishaps are infrequent, severe tantrums have diminished considerably, and they are learning to play together as well as with others without constant intervention.  Case in point, we had dinner with all of Kasey's family last night with all the kids sitting at one end of the table together, and not once did we have to get up and deal with a behavioural problem.  The funny thing about kids is just when you think you are about to move upon a stage and life is going to get easier, the next stage presents a new challenge.  Right now, our biggest challenge is the extreme decibel level of noise that never seems to desist.  While Abby, Chloe and Lily are learning to play together nicely, they have yet to learn how to do so quietly.  Lawson  Boy only knows two levels of speaking, loud and louder.  Along with passing into new stages and noise levels comes the wonderful technique that every child has mastered, the art of talking back.  As we celebrate not listening to crying babies, no more poopie diapers, no more expensive formula and packing everything including the kitchen sink just to leave the house; nothing will make you want to drop kick your child more than a 3 year old talking back to you in a tone that implies they think they are not only smarter than you, but you may be the dumbest daddy or mommy alive.  It has been verified that this is the root cause of gray hair.

So if terrible 2 does not refer to the twins, that just leaves our son who is currently 2 years old and when asked how hold he is, will now respond with 2 fingers in the air, "deuces".  Admittedly, there was some coaching involved, and it provides me great pride and humor when he does it.  The Boy makes us laugh constantly, but when he goes into Terrible Lawson mode, it is terrible.  He has always been so easy to put down at night and when tired will even ask to go to bed.  That all changed less than a week ago, when he just decided he no longer wants to go to bed at night.  Similar to Pavlov's dog, when we announce "bedtime" in the evening, Lawson immediately jumps up, point his finger, and in half mad half cry voice, "no Daddy, I not tired, I no go to bed".  When he is not getting through to us, he will change tactics on you, "Daddy, I cuddle you pease".  Along with the face that accompanies his remarks, how can you not give in? 

He too has mastered the art of talking back, though we are not always certain what he is yelling at us about, and frankly it is probably best we don't know based on the evil look in his eyes.  All the children are stubborn in there own way, but when Lawson Boy decides upon something, there is no convincing otherwise.  Luckily he is a boy and his male attribute of compartmentalization and the ability to forget when something else peaks his interest can be easy to take advantage of.  The girls may be playing with something and the Boy decides they are having too much fun so he interrupts and steals a toy.  Just try to convince him to give that toy back.  In his mind, that is now his toy and you are not getting it come hell or high water.  Face is scrunched, snot is running, mouth is screaming, and you decide bribing is the only way to diffuse him.  "Lawson, you want some ice cream?"  His first response is always, "NO!", and then it computes what you just asked him.  Tears dry up instantly, frown turns into a face of surprise, and he politely responds, "oh yes pease, I wike ice cweam".

Earlier it was mentioned that potty mishaps have become infrequent, and our most recent occurrence still baffles me somewhat.  The 3 younger kids were down for nap, so Lily generally will watch some TV or play games on the computer while they rest.  Sounds like an opportune time to watch some football and doze off.  While in a semi-comatose state, a bright white streak appeared alerting me to something odd.  The realization hit me that Lily was streaking through the house, so naturally the question begged, "Lily, why are you naked"?  And she responded ever so matter of fact, "Dad, I had to go potty really bad, when I sat down the lid was closed, and I wizzed everywhere." 

It happens to the best of us. 

Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe, and Deuces

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Kids Are So Mean

As the kids continue to grow bigger and older, so does their intelligence and understanding of the world around them as well as how people interact with their surroundings.  Along with that understanding comes the ability to recognize how a situation will affect them personally and the ability to alter that situation to their benefit with words or actions.  So it is really no surprise that as the monsters grow, so grows the sibling rivalry, the bickering, and the down right nastiness toward each other at times.   We are all born with an ego centric, self preservation instinct which was evident to us when the twins were still babies.  Not even old enough to crawl yet, Abby and Chloe both wanted to play with a book and went mortal combat on each other trying to get it from the other (pay no attention to the smile on my face from the amusement of this battle).

 While most of the physicality now involves Lawson pushing or punching, the verbal assaults range from comical to cutting, and girls can be down right mean to each other.    It doesn't take much as they have each learned the others hot buttons and what really gets under their skin.  The twins know that when Lily wants be left alone and play in her room, that is the ideal time to barge in and out of her room or simply sit out side her room and occasionally crack the door and whisper "Liiiiiiiiily" in that mischievous tone.  Oh the laughs they enjoy together followed by the angry chastising from Lily.  They all know that when Abby is on the verge of a tantrum, a simple touch of her arm or picking up her blanket will send her over the edge.  Even Lawson at 2 years old knows that when the girls are playing dolls and they have them spread out on their blanket just so, that is the perfect time to rip the blankets out from under and then run for his life.

Lily was attending a sleepover, and as is customary she had to listen to my speech regarding manners and proper behavior.  The sleepover speech includes a directive to play nicely even when the other girls want to play something else, and make sure you include everybody in your games which also means do not tell secrets intentionally in front of other girls.  Lily has heard my speeches enough that  she can recite most of it in tandem with me, and this instance was no different except for her final comments.  She was nodding at me just enough to give the impression she was listening, and would give the occasional eye roll, and then she said, "Daddy, it's ok if we don't include somebody for a little while because we can always apologize to them."

Just when you think the monsters are about to go Cain and Abel on each other, they do something to show that they really care and love each other.  Many times you just have to give them something to rally around each other with, and that generally means we have gotten on to them and have become the big bad daddy or mommy that they rally against. 

Chloe has become the nurturing one of the group and always has a hug or kind word when one of the other kids is struggling to keep it together.  Sometimes she can console in unique and funny ways.  Abby was having a night time melt down and when she enters the melt down, there is no consoling her for quite some time.  Kasey was try to calm her and Chloe realized this was going on for a while and she had enough.  Chloe decided to go ahead and say her prayers for the evening, and after thanking Jesus for everybody she ended with a special prayer for Abby.  "Jesus, please help Abby stop crying so I can get some sleep here."

Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe, Lawson Boy and Jingles

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

Busy, Busy, Busy is not simply a reference to Kasey and my days, weeks, and months.  We are officially entering into the stage in which the kids have an activity almost every night of the week.  The twins have started soccer, which at 3 years old is probably too early for them and more akin to herding cats than actually playing soccer.  Lily has gymnastics, cheer practice, soccer practice, and then a game for both soccer and cheer on Saturdays.  Due to some rain this past weekend, we jumped at the chance to make the assumption that all games are cancelled and just stay home for the day.   While Lawson Boy has not been enrolled in any activity, he stays plenty busy going from practice to practice, game to game, and has become quite proficient at locating the closest playground.  Don't turn your back to watch a game because he will stealth away to a playground without so much as a hint as to where he is going.

We do find great joy in watching the kids play and begin to hone their skills.  Lily did not enjoy soccer for a while because she felt the other kids were better than her, and frankly the other kids were better than her.  She has learned that putting forth some effort and practicing has improved her ability by leaps and bounds.  Her favorite by far is gymnastics and it shows based upon the effort and time she puts into it.  When she started just a short couple months ago, her cart wheels resembled a kid trying to donkey kick the person behind her.  Now she is close to performing a hand spring with her legs completely straight.  The Cheer comes pretty natural as she loves to dance, and she love to include the twins and teach them how to cheer.  Unfortunately she also loves to teach the Boy how to cheer.  While at Cheer practice the other day, sitting amongst the other cheer moms, Lawson decided he would show off his skills.  In his cute little babbling raspy voice, he sounds out his cheer with flawless choreography, and one of the moms looks at me and sadly asks, "ahhhh, does he know all the cheers."  In a tone lacking in pride, "why yes he does, he sure knows how to make his daddy proud."

Abby and Chloe sure look cute in their soccer outfits, but it is painful to try and get a 3 year old to pay attention when all they really want to do is anything but play soccer.  While there is probably something they are learning and it's good for them, it drives me crazy trying to understand why 2 kids who never stop moving or talking can enter an atmosphere that promotes running, kicking and playing, and all they do is stand there with this dumb look on their face. 

Hard to believe the summer has come and gone and Lily is back in school.  She does like school and being around all her friends, and now complains less about being bored.  That was the summer theme for Lily, "I'm bored."  We had our first trip to the ER for stitches.  While my money was on Lawson, it was actually Lily that busted her chin open swinging between the counters in the kitchen.  It's a sweet scar that matches her daddy's, but that story is better left undocumented.

Football season is upon us and though my boy is not afraid to blurt out a cheer in public, he loves watching football with his daddy.  Busy as we may be, watching a game with the Boy will cure all......until he decides to headbutt you as soon as you fall asleep.  That smarts.

Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe, Lawson Boy and Jingles

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Lily, where's your popsicle?

Remember when your parents used to say, "this hurts me more than it hurts you"?  And you are sitting there thinking, I'm the one who just got handed the tookus beating, how in the world could that hurt you more than it hurt me?  You never truly understand that statement until you begin disciplining your own children.  Certainly you understand the concept as you grow older, but to truly understand it is to live it and trudge forward with the consequence you are doling out as your child sobs, and everything in you is urging you to just give in and comfort that child. 

We were all eating dinner one evening and Lily started in with her attitude that she did not care for this dinner and she was going to let it be known.  Coupled with her tendency to already eat slow and never stop talking at the dinner table, our patience had worn thin with her and she was encouraged to stop talking and simply eat her dinner.  The other three children were eating and behaving well, relatively speaking, so a Popsicle was offered to them as a reward for their good behavior.  That may not seem like much, and it really isn't, but we don't keep very many treats or candy around the house so when a delicious treat like a Popsicle is offered the children tend to get excited.  Lily was excited about the Popsicle, but took for granted that she would get one no matter what because in her mind that is only fair.  She continued to be stubborn with her dinner, so holding back the Popsicle seemed like the best consequence to encourage her.  As any good parent knows, once you throw that threat out there, you have to follow through or your kids will walk all over you.  The stubbornness continued, the consequence was handed down, and the tears starting flowing. 

I'm a sucker for the tears and Lily knows how to look at me just the right way to tug on my heart strings, but she had to sit there and watch her siblings eat there Popsicle and that is where the true punishment began.  Oh the joy that Abby and Chloe took in savoring that Popsicle on Lily's behalf.  They waved them around, made up songs about the Popsicle, and Chloe made sure to mention what color everybody had.  "Lawson ate his dinner and has a red Popsicle, Abby ate her dinner and has an orange Popsicle, I ate my dinner and have a purple Popsicle......Lily, you didn't get a Popsicle."  At this point, I took some compassion and at least let Lily be excused from the table so not to endure the obscene gloating.

Punishing our children can be very hard at times given the different circumstances we find ourselves in.  Whether it be in public with witnesses all judging your tactics, or at home in private where it easy to let them get away with it this time because you are so tired of having to correct them over and over and over.  We are certainly not perfect, but we try to be consistent and stay true to teaching our kids manners and respect.  We struggle at times due to the fact that we are out numbered and have to run a zone defense instead of man to man, and the inmates try to take over the asylum.  In the end we know that however hard it is, our kids will be better for it.  When you take time to punish your children, you are letting them know you care about them and their actions. 

(And I'm not talking about beating your kids......I shouldn't have to say that, but this is going out in open format online, and you never know when some new age passive PETA loving freak will take this the wrong way.) 

Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe and Lawson Boy

Friday, July 27, 2012

The World Through the Eyes of Kids

Seeing as how the days start very early and we are wiped out by the time we get the kids down to bed, I thought I would try to sneak in a post while at work today.  My intentions are to write at least one post per week just to keep up with half the stuff we want to remember about this time in our life.  As frustrating as raising 4 kids can be at times, we do laugh a lot and find great joy in watching the kids learn and experience new things. 

We were recently on a trip down to San Antonio for my 20 year reunion.  That's right, 20 years since I graduated high school and went off to college as an eager young man with dreams and high hopes of a successful future.  No way in H-E double hockey sticks was there a vision of 4 kids in my future, so I guess my dreams just weren't big enough back then.  Anyway, while making the track down I-35 after everybody had stopped screaming and yelling at each other, the kids were staring out the windows into the darkness.  Just when we thought they were all asleep, Abby broke the silence with an odd and somewhat angry statement.  "GO AWAY MOON", she blurted.  It took a minute for it register what she was saying and then the moon appeared out the window to my left.  "Daddy, the moon is following us, why is it following us?"  Instead of explaining the scientific reasons why it appeared the moon was following our car down the highway (not that I could do that anyway), we made a game out of it and I told her the moon was actually trying to race us to Mama and Papa's house.  The kids thought this was great and encourage me to drive faster.  "Faster Daddy, Go Faster!"  Realizing my susceptibility to a child's influence, my story changed to the moon is really following us to keep us safe.  The best part about raising kids is you see the world in a completely different and innocent light.

We were coming home late earlier this week when Lawson noticed the moon outside his window.  "Daddy, Mama and Papa house?"  It took me a minute to remember our trip and then realized he now associated the moon with driving to San Antonio.  It gives me hope that Lawson Boy's head may be used for something other than just a battering ram.

The kids seem to be enjoying their summer so far.  Lily was able to spend extra time in San Antonio by herself, which made her very happy to have some time away from her brother and sisters.  Lawson is anything but a baby anymore.  He has entered into the terrible 2 stage and is not bashful to let you know his feelings.  When he does not get his way or you start to get on to him, he points his finger directly at your and yells, "NO."  This fun little gesture is typically followed with a full palm held at you as he utters, "Thtop", and "NO" once again.  Aunt Chelle witnessed this lovely interaction between Lawson and I, and now uses this tactic on her teenage kids (Morgan going into college this year), though I believe the only reaction she will get from this style of discipline is uncontrollable laughter.

We are looking forward to the beginning of even busier times which should last the next 15 years.  Lily is in soccer, gymnastics and cheer leading.  The twins will start soccer this fall, which I cannot wait to see how that goes.  My prediction is Chloe will enjoy socializing with the other girls, and Abby will give her all to being the best soccer player on the field.  She takes after her daddy a bit, and does not like to lose.  Hopefully she can keep her temper in check seeing as she wears all her emotions on her sleeve.  Regardless, it may take more than one mini-van in this household to shuffle the monsters around to all these events. 

An update on the final member of our family.  Jingles is about as tall as Lawson now, and listens about as well as Lawson too.  Good thing he can't raise a finger and say "Thtop".

Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe, Lawson Boy, and Jingles

Saturday, June 23, 2012

When Lawson Attacks

It was apparent to me that the blog had not been upated in a while, but I had not idea it had been close to 2 months.  It would take another 2 months to share all the crazy and funny things that have happened in that time period, but let's give it a shot anyway.  The highlights of the past couple months go something like this:

Lily graduated kindergarten, turned 6 years old, and convinced me she was resonsible enough to take care of a dog (as if we don't have enough mouths to feed around this asylum).  Surprisingly, she has done a great job of taking care of Jingles, and even cleans the poop with relatively few comnplaints.  For her 6th birthday we let Lily have a sleepover and our house was inundated with 10 6 year old girls who when they get together love to scream alot.  And the bossiness of those girls......who knew?  We are so proud of how Lily did in Kindergarten this year.  It's amazing how much she learned and how well she reads.  We absolutely loved her teacher, because she really emphasized discipline and somehow Lily made it through the year coming home with a green bear every day.  Though now she admits had a yellow bear one day and turned her attitude around at the end of the day to earn her green bear back.  The reading comes in handy and we do take advantage when Lawson or the twins want us to read them something we occassionally tell them to go ask Lily to read it.  As you can see from her picture below, she is turning into a beautiful young lady.  I catch myself staring at her sometimes just wondering what the future holds for her and it makes me smile.  She catches me and says, "Daddy, what are you staring at?, in  that tone that only a 6 year old girl going on 18 can have.  Lily continue to crack me up with her sense of humor.  She is at the age where I share stories with her about my child hood, or make general observations about things that I think are funny and she and I will laugh uncontrollably together.  We  have the same sense of humor, which typically means we end up laughing about fart stories.

Abby and Chloe are potty trained!  Abby and Chloe are potty trained!  Abby and Chloe are potty trained!  Obviously we are excited about the potty training and only one kid left in diapers.  While potty trained, they still drive us absolutley bonkers with the constant jibber jabber and never ending energy to destroy things. 

Here they sleep and provide a moment of peace

Abby was a little slower with the potty training and she tends to live in them moment and that meant not stopping what she doing to take a moment and walk to the potty.  The great thing about Abby is you always know what she is thinking because she wears her emotions on her sleeve.  When she is excited about something, she lets you know and you can see the excitement all over her face.  When she is upset her uncontrollable screaming and flapping of the arms makes it apparent.  When she is sad, that pitiful face will break your heart.  She is the most energetic of all the kids too.  If we could figure out a weight to bottle her energy and sell it, we'd be rich.  Because she is so active and never stops moving during the day, when it's time for bed, she is ready to go.  A common phrase from her in the evening, "Daddy, the sun is almost down, can we go night night now?"

Chloe is my silly girl.  She is pretty laid back (relatively speaking) and just doesn't take too many things that serious.  I'm starting to hear her come up with ideas and then convince Abby or Lawson that it is the right thing to do, and that never turns out well.  Generally speaking we have done a good job with teaching respect and manners, but Chloe has work to do in the meal time manners department.  She can't hardly eat 5 bites without burping, and I'm not talking cute little girl burps.  These are the type that come from your grandpa who just ate something bad and really can't help it. 

We've signed the twins up for soccer and I cant' wait to see that.  My anticipatoin is that Abby will love running around chasing after the ball, and Chloe will be walking around demanding they stop and just give her the ball. 

And then there is Lawson Boy.  It's been expressed to me that I favor Lawson Boy, and though I won't admit to favoring him because I love all my children equally, I will admit to spoiling him a bit.  He is the baby of them all, and he just happened to be the only boy, so he gets away with more.  Some of it is I don't have the energy to repeat myself over  and over like I would have when Lily was his age.  And some of it is, the kid does stuff that I know he shouldn't, but it just make me laugh.  When he gets in his mischievious state, he gives a look and I feel like I'm looking at myself, and I understand that even what he is about to do may not be a good idea, it sure does look fun.  I empathize with the boy.  Lawson is really mastering the english language, but there are time when all we hear is mumbling.  What comes out of his mouth makes sense to him and you can see the frustration on his face as he repeatedly expresses himself with more frustration each time.  And then the index finger comes out,  points at you, and he proceeds to utter a jibberish string of unrecognizable words, but the point is very clear.  He is verbally assaulting you for not being able to understand him, and you are very close to a Lawson smackdown. 

All the kids are doing pretty well with the addition of Jingles to the family.  Jingles is still in his nipping stage and is becoming very energetic, and that will scare the girls at times.  They love when he is calm and they can hold him and they truly adore the dog.  Lawson shows his love in other ways.  The child has no fear of the dog and actually encourages the rough behavior in a way only a boy can do.  The dog will be standing there and Lawson will lower his shoulder like a linebacker and throw himself into Jingles, and then curl up to protect himself because he knows the dog is about to jump all over and starting nipping at him.  This little game led to multiple scrapes and a nice cut on the top of Lawson's forehead.  And every time when you think the boy is down there crying, he stands up with a big grin on his face laughing.

Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe, Mike Singletary, and Jingles

Monday, April 30, 2012

Potty Time

Obviously from the title of this post, we are trying to potty train the twins.  And by "we", I mean Kasey and Ms. Lauren.  We have been encouraging the 2 of them to go in the potty for well over a year now, and they simply have no interest whatsoever.  So today they were forced to go outside in the same clothes the good Lord brought them into this world in.  Kasey has been updating me though out the day and at this point it appears that Chloe has gone tee tee a couple of time and Abby still insists that she is not a big girl and she would like to continue wearing the diaper.  Too bad kiddo.  Somebody may be cleaning crap off the floor, but you are going to pee or poop somewhere besides that diaper today. 

By now, I've lost track of all things that we promised or bribed them with.  We started with candy, then a toy, a special one on one night with mommy or daddy, and now I believe I have backed myself into a corner and once this process is complete it appears we will have a 4 legged canine running around our house.  Ms. Lauren has a little dog that we watched for the weekend and Lily was driven to prove that she was responsible enough to take care of a dog.  Actually, she did quite well taking her outside, feeding her, and she slept with her at night.  The only area I would give her a failing grade on is protecting the puppy from Lawson Boy.  Lawson worked so hard to coax that dog onto his lap, and when he was finally convinced Bella was not going to come to him, he decided to try and sit on the dog instead.  Luckily Bella is quick on her feet. 

Speaking of Lawson Boy........when I started this blog probably close to a year ago already, he was still a baby and the twins were in that stage where they try to communicate and then get really frustrated when you don't understand what they are saying.  Well the boy has entered that stage and he must take after his mother, because he has quite the temper when you can't understand what he is saying.  The longer you take to figure it out, the louder and madder he gets at you.  I know he is trying to hard to get his point across, and you don't want to get mad at him, but you also cannot let him speak to you that way.  Kasey keeps getting mad at me because when Lawson is trying to her something and starts yelling at her, it makes me giggle.

Lily continues to amaze us with her reading skills.  I honestly do not remember having to read every night in kindergarten, nor do I remember having homework at that age, but she has homework every night.  It is certainly paying off especially when one of the other kids asks us to read and we just tell them to take the book to Lily and let her read it to them. 

Stay tuned for potty training updates and if I'm unable to back of this bribery thing, I guess stay tuned for puppy pics.

Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe, and on the verge of terrible 2 Lawson

Saturday, March 10, 2012

What Do Lily and Make Tyson Have In Common?

In an effort to better myself in business and my personal life, I made note of some advice that our preacher spoke about one Sunday.  Be interruptable.  The gist being when somebody needs you or wants your attention, you should give them your full attention.  My struggle is that I have 80 employees, countless, vendors, my boss, my boss's boss,  a lovely wife and 4 kids all of which need my attention on just about any given day.  Add on top of that the fact that I have self-diagnosed myself with a slight case of adult attention deficit disorder , and it makes for a real struggle with little time to complete my tasks or have much down time.  The good news is that my commute home gives me some time to prepare for the kids daily information dump that begins immediately upon breaching the front door.  This is actually the part of my day that I look forward to most.  Nothing makes you feel than 4 kids running and greeting you enthusiastically after a long day of work.  After a few minutes, I have to stop them because they are all 4 trying to tell me what happened that day, and no matter how much I pay attention it is impossible to keep up with 3 girls jabbering and the boy trying to throw each of them off of me so I can give him my full attention.  My conscious efforts to be more interuptible are certainly not perfected, but when I make the effort I hear more of what is being said and find myself more patient with the kids as well.

Abby and Chloe are making strides in the right direction with their ability to not destroy a room in a matter of minutes.  They have still yet to potty train, but they are increasingly becoming more interested.  Both continue to make us laugh on a daily basis, and we are amazed how smart 3 years old can be and what they pick up on.  Chloe is our rule Nazi and loves to make sure that Abby is doing the right thing.  Abby is and will continue to be the emotional one and always lets you know exactly how she is feeling whether good bad or indifferent.

Lawson is mastering the art of the English language and does well to communicate in one sentence bursts.  Along with that comes the frustration when he is not able to communicate his point.  The boy has quite the temper, but then they all did at this age.  The main difference is that he enjoys using his fists more to communicate his frustration.  His appetite remains grossly disturing, and I am truly fearful of the future grocery bills. 

Last night we all met up at that mall for dinner as Ms. Lauren has taken the kids over there to get out of the house.  We have figured out how to get the kids to behave at dinner and eat all their food.  Hold off on dinner until they are really hungry, and they won't say a word and will devour their food and ask for more.  Lily wanted to ride with me on the way home as she likes to listen to the Ipod in the car and sing.  She gets to pick a song from my Ipod and then I get to pick one.  Lily chose Justin Bieber and she made fun of me for singing along with her.  I went old school and busted out Phil Collins In the Air Tonight.  If you have seen the movie Hangover you know what I mean when I say you cannot listen to the awesome buildup to the drums without picturing Mike Tyson playing air drums to the song.  Lily thoroughly enjoyed this part as especially since I cranked the song up as load as I could.  We had to listen to at least 5 times and she laughed hysterically as she played the air drum along with the song.

Kids are awake.....let the fun begin.

Jeff, Kasey,  Lily, Abby, Chloe, and Lawson Boy

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Father Daughter Dance

For all the frustrations, challenges and worries that come with parenthood, the good times far outweigh the negatives.  Last night Lily and I attended our first father daughter dance and it was a night I will always remember.  As excited as I was for the evening, I can't even begin to explain how good it made me feel to know how excited Lily was as well.  She and mommy went dress shopping and Lily asked if she could get high heels to wear, and the whole day was quite the production.  Lily told me on the way to the dance that she was a little nervous to dance in front of everybody, but once she got the rhythm you could not stop her.  I took the opportunity to express to her that we would go on dates like this periodically so that by the time she is old enough to go on a date she will know how to act, but more importantly she will know how boys are supposed to treat her on a date.  She was actually quite receptive to the conversation and is already looking forward to our next date. 

My suspicion was that when we go to the dance, she would find her friends and go off and dance with them and I even told her it would be alright for her to do that.  But Lily made me feel very special when she went to talk to her friends and then a song came on that she really likes and she came running over to me, grabbed my hand, and said "come on Daddy, I love this song."  Words really cannot explain it.

After the dance we went for a nice dinner and ice cream.  As I was explaining how boys are supposed to open the door and do other gentlemanly things, Lily reminded me of the movie Footloose (the original Kevin Bacon) that we watched when the boy opened the door on the date and his car door wouldn't shut so he had to kick it shut.  She said, "Daddy, boys shouldn't kick the door shut, right?"  So of course as we are leaving the restaurant, I opened the door for Lily and once she was in I kicked it shut for her.  She got the biggest belly laugh and kept telling me how funny I am.  I definitely want this documented, because in a few years, she will just be rolling her eyes at me, but for now I am still her fun Daddy, and I will enjoy it while I can.

It was a wonderful evening.

Have I mentioned how I tried to get Lawson out of his high chair at dinner?  I went to grab his tray to take it off and apparently he was not done eating, because the boy grabbed on to the tray with a death grip and yelled, "I wan mo, I wan mo!"

Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe, and Lawson

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lawson Charming

Even before Lawson was born when we knew we were having a boy, I remember wondering what is it going to be like for him having three older sisters? After pondering the thought for some time, I came to the conclusion that this kid is probably going to have a unique insight to women that most men will never have. Whether he likes it or not he is going to be subject to many girly things around our household and if he is smart he will use that to his advantage. Even if its as simple as not being insecure around girls and being able to talk confidently with them or understanding proper respect for girls, he will learn something having 3 sisters. One thing is for sure, those sisters of his spoil him rotten and I pray for the girl he ends up marrying one day because he is going to expect to be pampered.

Now I don't know if any of that has to do with anything or not, but I will tell you that boy charmed his way out of getting his tail whipped this evening. Boys will be boys and he is too young to understand that he can walk up and smack daddy playfully and I will playfully smack him back, but you don't walk up to mommy and or your sisters and smack them. He also does not understand how rough and tough he can be because when he does walk up and smack you, frankly it hurts. Well he decided he would smack mommy on the head this evening while she was working on her computer and did not see it coming. Mommy did not like this. In fact mommy raised her voice and gave him a little swat on the leg, which initially just made him more honary. So he decides that he will get back at her by throwing the folded laundry off the couch. This obviously was not a good move on his part and mommy sternly told him "no!".

Of course I am sitting in the chair watching this whole thing go down and trying not to laugh which only made mommy more mad so now Lawson is on the verge of pushing her over the edge and he is about to get a licking. So he is standing there with a decision to make. Do I throw more laundry on the floor and take my lumps or do I turn on the charm and get out of this situation in one piece. I swear you could see the thoughts running through his head and all the sudden he throws his arms out, runs over to mommy and gives her the biggest bear hug you have ever seen. I've known this woman for over 10 years and never once seen her turn from her anger that fast. He just melted all that rage right out of her, and then turned her to complete mush when he went and picked up every piece of laundry he had thrown down. To say I was impressed is an understatement.

After all was said and done with him charming his way out of a smack down, I could swear as he walked by me he winked as if to say "that's how it's done old man".

Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe and Rico Suave

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Liar, liar

Let me start this weeks blog off with a congratulations to one of our devoted readers who was recently engaged and has asked Lily to be in her wedding. Congratulations Ashey and Todd on your impending nuptials, we could not be more excited for you. Ashey, sorry I spoiled Ms. Lauren's surprise, but in my defense my wife did not say anything about a surprise. The best advice I can give 2 soon to be newlyweds is don't have 4 children. Though we love every single one of them and could not imagine life without each and every one of them with their unique attributes, frankly they will drive to the brink of inanity at times. Lily is so very excited to be part of the wedding, but don't be surprised if she starts referring it to "her" wedding.

Speaking of Lily, she has another loose tooth and though she is excited, she is not nearly as excited as the first go around. I guess she figures she is an expert at this now though I am certain she will expect all the flare that comes with the tooth fairy. We sprinkled glitter on her pillow the first time and she thought that was pretty cool,so we'll probably be cleaning up a lot of fairy dust as these teeth start dropping put. Looking at her the other day, I realized how big she is getting so fast. She goes on sleep overs, talks about boys, knows all the latest songs and defends Justin Bieber when I make fun of him. The good thing I have noticed about Lily is she is an open book. She will tell you the truth and let you know what is going on at school with friends and boys. We are trying to encourage that so she stays that way, but I have to be careful when she starts talking about boys trying to kiss her. She has all the right answers and says that she asks them to leave her alone, but still some kid named Merritt snuck a kiss in on her the other day. Put Merritt on my list.

The twins, that is a completely different story. They will lie right to your face without an ounce of guilt. Chloe is the worst or best at it depending on how you look at it. The other day Abby ratted her out for drawing on the walls and already had my suspicion that it was Chloe who did it. When I confronted Chloe and asked if she wrote on the wall, she simply replied "no". I told her to look me in the eye and I asked her again. The child looked me straight in the eyes and without hesitation or looking away gave me the same answer. The child has no conscience. Well old dad here doesn't claim to be the brightest bulb in the bunch but I l can outsmart a 2 year old. So I rephrased my question and asked "when you drew on the wall, where did you draw?". She replied, "in the media room". AHA! Busted you little liar! No I didn't gloat that I outsmarted my soulless 2 year old daughter, but we did have a talk about telling the truth and emphasizes the fact that daddy isn't that dumb regardless of what the two of you sit around and say about me and then try to conjure up ways to prove it. Yes, I do believe that happens.

And then there is my sweet Lawson Boy. Well he is sweet as long as you keep him fed. We are recognizing new words every day from him. It is so fun to watch the innate difference between a boy and a girl. If you were to give one of the girls a toy car they would figure out how to incorporate it into the Barbie world. Give that same car toy to Lawson and he knows that he is supposed to make vroom vroom noises and crash into the Barbie world and make all his sitters start crying. He is also smart enough to know that daddy is a total sucker for his baby boy and if he senses those girls are going to retaliate he seeks refuge my arms.

Well the twins just walked into our room and I smell poop, so better sign off for now.

Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe and Lawson Boy

Sunday, January 8, 2012

My Worst Fears

Since the last post, Christmas came and went along with New Years and many crazy moments with the kids.  Once again, I am kicking myself for not being more diligent posting some of these stories because they add up so quickly we just cannot remember them all.  Kasey had off 2 weeks for Christmas so we gave Ms. Lauren a couple well deserved week off as well.  After 2 weeks of being with our 4 kids, Kasey was very excited to get back to work, and there were a couple days I wasn't sure all those kids would make it through the day alive after hearing about some of their episodes.

All the kids had a blast leading up to Christmas and looking for Elf on the Shelf.  It was the first thing they did every morning.  We over heard Lily talking to the Elf on several occasions telling him what she wanted Santa to  bring.  The kids all thoroughly enjoyed the toys and gifts they received on Christmas.  The only problem is they wanted to play with the toys that the other children received.  This created some wonderful Christmas WWF Smack down.

Lily is excited to be back in school now and I think she really missed her friends during the break.  You could tell she was getting bored and needed some interaction with others beside the twins.  The only way I really know how to describe the twins now is "horrible".  Their favorite pastime is to destroy their room.  When I say destroy, I am not exaggerating.  They go into their closet and tear everything off the hangars, throw all clothes that are neatly folded in baskets, and basically try to replicate what a tornado would look like if it flew directly into their room.  We have tried talking, spanking, threatening, pleading, begging, bribing, and anything else you can think  They could care less.  They know the right answer when you ask them if they are going to make a mess, but once they do something and the other one thinks it is funny, well then it is game on.  Anything and everything goes at that point regardless of what we have told them. 

The twins personality differences are really starting to differentiate.  Chloe is our more social one as well and tends to think things through more.  Abby is a fireball of emotion.  The best way to describe it is when Chloe is upset, somebody has usually hurt her feelings and you can usually calm her down with some reason.  When Abby is upset, she gets mad and there is no reasoning or logical way of consoling her. 

Lawson Boy becomes more charming every day.  He has started using some words that are recognizable and even when you don't understand, he can communicate with pointing and grunting in such a way that we can usually figure out what he wants.  It doesn't hurt that most of the time he just wants food.  It make me very proud that he is such a Daddy's Boy.  The couple days I had off over Christmas, that boy shadowed my every move.  As much as I love that boy, I can still only take so much of anybody needing constant attention.  While I was trying to cook dinner he kept grunting for me to pick him up over and over.  After I finally had enough I encouraged him to go in the other room and let me finish what I was doing.  And so I discovered Lawson's new talent of making you feel horrible if you don't give him what he wants.  The boy can create the saddest face I have ever witnessed, and so Lawson helped with the rest of dinner.

Yesterday, I got a glimpse of my worst fear for my daughters.  We were having a lovely lazy morning in which I slept past 7:00 for the first time in months.  Lily came down to cuddle and then the twins came down and got in bed.  While I was laying there, Abby points at my chest and asks, "what is that?"  I responded, "that's my nipple."  After a few seconds of Abby thinking about it, she lifts her shirt up and says, "I have nittles."  Then Chloe, "Daddy, look at my nittles, I have nittles too."  And so for the next several minutes I had to watch my innocent daughters lifting their shirts and talking about their "nittles". 

Merry Belated Christmas and Happy New Year,

Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe, and Lawson Boy