Monday, April 18, 2011

Good Weekend

We actually accomplished a few things around the house on Sunday.  It was enough to at least bring down my level of OCD a notch or 2.  Kasey got a much needed girls night out and I was able to spend some time with just the twins on Friday night as Lily had a sleep over at her friend Chanlyr's house. 

Saturday morning was very lazy for the kids and me; Kasey had to attend an open house for work.  I pretty  much kicked the kids out side and began creating the blog.  Saturday afternoon Lily had a soccer game and I've come to the conclusion that 4 and 5 years old girls only need about a 6 game season.  Lily is done with soccer.  She only attempted to act interested when I threatened her, and that lasted all of 5 minutes.  Abby kept trying to throw the soccer ball she was playing with out on the field and Chloe ate every snack she could find even some that did not belong to us. 

Lily and I had date night after her soccer game and went and saw Rio together, which I would highly recommend.  Lily has the same sense of humor as I do, and I find us laughing at the exact same things in the movie.  She even sat down and watched a Marx Brothers movie with me one day and she found it hilarious.......I was very proud.

Chloe can be found these days carrying a bucket full of Mickey Mouse characters everywhere she goes.  For good or bad, both she and Abby are really beginning verbalize and increase their vocabulary.  Just need to get through the 2 year old fits now.

Lawson Boy is close to a full on crawl.  He has the army crawl down pat and if needs to get across the room can certainly do so.  Now it's just about becoming efficient.  Speaking of efficient, the boy can throw down the groceries.

Until next time,

The Strait

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