Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

"But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep" (1 Cor. 15:14-20).

Lily is old enough now to at least begin to grasp the concept of death, especially when it comes to spiders in the backyard.  She has no reservation about wishing those spiders dead on the sole of my shoe.  Seeing as how it is Easter, I pictured in my mind having a lovely conversation over breakfast and making sure she understands the true meaning of Easter.  She's heard the story, we pray daily and she can probably tell you Jesus died for you, but I wanted to see what she knew about the resurrection of Jesus. 

Despite my good intentions and the Norman Rockwell scene I had pictured in my mind, many frustrations can pop up on a Sunday morning when you are trying to feed, bathe, dress yourselves and four kids, and try to make it to church on time.  Kids don't want to finish their breakfast, they don't want to get out of the bath, you ask them to come her and they run the other way, they are fighting over toys, they go upstairs to get something you asked for and come back with something entirely different because they forgot on that long journey up the stairs, and this was a relatively easy morning.  If you have ever wondered if children have a concept of time, let me save you the trouble - nope. 

We did manage to get everybody out the door, to their Sunday School rooms and we were into church by the second or third song being sung in a fairly good mood.  They all looked very cute in their Easter outfits.........

Thus far I have not had my talk with Lily because they were all ushered to their cribs and beds for nap time as soon as we got home.....but I will.

The Easter weekend has been nice.  Kasey's parents and her sister's family are in town.  Lily got to spend the night with Aunt LaLa, cousin Karly and Uncle Sheldon Friday night, which we were happy to oblige since Aunt Lala brought all the kids their own 2 foot tall chocolate bunnies.  Lily was eating hers and stopped only long enough to look up and say, "oh I'm going to be sick tonight", and then proceeded to keep eating.  Last night we all ate in Allen at Waters Creek where they have concert in the park and the kids were able to run around, dance, play and go crazy without the parents going crazy. 

Speaking of music, all our kids love music.  Lily walks around the house constantly singing (maybe I'm biased, but she sings pretty good for a 4 year old), and the twins constantly request Chicken Fried, their favorite song.  The funny thing is, any song that Zac Brown sings is called Chicken Fried.  They know his songs as soon as the first note is played, and they are quick to tell you, "Chicken Fried is on".  You are not allowed to play anything but country music around them as well, and at the end of every song they let out a big, "ahhhh, hah".

My allergies have gotten the better of me this weekend so hopefully I get a nap in before the monsters wake up.  Kasey has gone to run some errands since she leaves for San Francisco tomorrow through Thursday.  Yes, I'll have the 4 terrorists to myself every night this week, so expect them to wear things that don't match, fast food, and probably a good story or 2.

I didn't mention much about Lawson, he was busy shoveling food in his mouth.

Happy Easter!

Jeff, Kasey, Lily, Abby, Chloe and Lawson

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